Facial Rejuvenation
Anti-aging Program

Oakville Naturopath Doctor

Cosmetic Acupuncture

If you interested in looking younger and more radiant without having to do anything too invasive or toxic, the Cosmetic Acupuncture is for you. Cosmetic acupuncture is the use of fine needles to decrease the appearance of wrinkles, reduce skin sagging and improve the overall appearance of skin.  This is a natural solution that can help you look and feel more energized and youthful.   It has been referred to as a ‘natural face lift’. Benefits of facial rejuvenation:
  • Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction
  • Increases collagen production
  • Helps eliminate and reduce bags under the eyes and decreases the tendency toward sagging and jowls
  • Helps eliminate puffiness
  • Helps eliminate fine lines and diminish the effect of deeper wrinkles
  • Improves hormonal balance; can benefit hormonal acne
  • Moisturizes skin by increasing local circulation
  • Tightens the pores
  • Brightens the eyes
  • Helps with drooping eyelids
  • Promotes overall health and well being
  • Slows the aging process
Cosmetic acupuncture series: 12 week program that includes 12 one-hour acupuncture treatments as well as dietary and nutraceutical supplementation to address your individual concerns of aging.